From the Mother of a murderer

To the family of Kyron Webb, I write on behalf of my family.
I am sorry this letter has been a long time coming, to write this has been difficult for me.
You see when I sit down to write to you, I struggle to put pen to paper.
For I have no words to comfort you or an explanation for you to decipher.

What words can I use to express how sorry we are?
What action can erase or compensate stealing the light of a rising star?
No words I say can erase the pain this situation for you has caused
The insanity, the hurt that crushes and places your life on pause.

As a mother I cannot comprehend what my son has done, I cannot imagine how you must feel.
Never would I have imagined I would write these words in pain my heart does kneel.

My child I carried for 9 months and raised to be a teenager.
Had the mind to take another life, gods creation in rage and anger.
A young child, a soul placed on the earth to fulfil a rightful purpose.
It’s drives me crazy to know it was my son that brought an end and inflicted us with this curse.

My son deserves the consequences to his actions through the wrath of the law.
This will never change what has been done or ease the sting of your sores.
We are a Christian family, I can only pray he has an encounter with the lord .
I pray for divine consultation for your family as you are healing from the cut of death’s sword.

I can never except that there was a justified reason for anything that has happened.
I can never make excuses for a son that chose to make a young life end.
His actions we cannot justify and as parents we are truly sorry.
I know right now your suffering and I hope one day there is comfort for your worry.

I hope one day you can forgive me and my son for his actions.
We think of your family all of the time and pray for your grieving reactions.
I am unsure as to why the son I gave birth to had to walk and carry a knife.
I am disgusted and ashamed to call him my son knowing that he took your son’s life.

I am sorry for your pain and deeply sorry for your loss.
We are sorry for the price you paid as it was an unbearable cost

The paperback edition of my book “Kyron: Hello Madness Goodbye Joy” is live in the Amazon Store. It is available for you to purchase via this link

2 thoughts on “From the Mother of a murderer”

  1. Yeah but she will still get her son back thats the difference. She might have to wait twenty years whereas you have to wait the rest of your life.

    Liked by 1 person

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